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Code updates/Bugzilla



Multiple Cue Traffic Congestion Analysis

     »    08/22/2011

     »     Firmed, no maintaince

Large Scale Image Retrieval/Matching

     »    01/02/2011

             Up-scaled to 1.3 million images real-time retrieval

     »    08/20/2010

            Use RANSIC like algorithm for extremely fast matching

     »    07/30/2010

            Inverted index based fast retrieval and matching points selection

     »    07/20/2010

            Initial Version

HOG Class

     »    01/08/2010

            Initialize "MagTab" and "AngTab" to be NULL(It will have problem if you are using Debug version in Windows)

LBP Class

     »    11/12/2009

            Return error information when given position for feature extraction is wrong

HOG LBP detector

     »    11/12/2009

            Update LBP class

     »    10/09/2009

            Modify the merging procedure

Newton's method for reducing # of support vectors

     »    01/12/2009

            Correct the sign of Hessian diag if it's wrong(It happens because it's a non-convex optimization problem)

     »    01/10/2009

            Use Hessian diag instead of Hessian metrix

Multiple Object Tracking

     »    12/01/2009

            Treat each Negative class as a seperate class

     »    11/05/2009

            Add Multiple Object Tracking Algorithm, could be used as single object tracker

Configure for CDMA/GPRS/EDGE video server

     »     Firmed, no maintaince

CDMA/GPRS/EDGE wireless video service system (DSP)

     »     Firmed, no maintaince

ARM based wired video service system (ARM9)

     »     Firmed, no maintaince

PC based video service demo

     »     Firmed, no maintaince

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